“You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile.”
― Charles Chaplin
My passion for photography began in middle school. My 7th grade class was involved in a project called “A Day in the Life of Camden-Rockport Maine” sponsored by Kodak. We were all give cameras and rolls of film and told to take pictures of everything that represents this beautiful area that we live in. We had designated places that we went to and took pictures, but we were also given the opportunity to be creative. I loved the entire process right from the start.
It wasn’t until my late 20’s before I really got to pursue my passion for photography. In 2007 I started with going back to college and getting my Associates Degree. At University of Maine in Augusta, I took a Black and White Photography darkroom class and learned how to develop film in a dark room. It brought me right back to my childhood and it lit a fire inside me to do what I love. I continued with a Photoshop class which has given me the ability to make my pictures extra special and nurtured my creativity. I got done with college in 2009, purchased my first DSLR, started E Stanley Photography and never looked back.
It is my goal as your professional photographer to capture those beautiful moments of you and your loved ones that you can never quite get with that camera on your phone.